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What is CountN, anyway?

The easiest way to describe what we do is we’re a non-exclusive booking agency that operates through an app. Our goal is to help businesses grow and build community by streamlining the search for top quality music.

How does that work?

Venues and artists both sign up for the app. When you sign up as a venue, you’ll input information about the space and what you’re looking for in a performer. Artists will input information about themselves, their music, and media content. Then, when you’d like to book a gig, you’ll enter the day of the gig, genre, and budget. CountN’s algorithm will then show you artists that fit within those parameters. You can check out their bios, look at past performance videos, and decide which artist would be a good fit for your space and your gig. If it’s a match, you can send them a gig request and the show goes on!

Do I reach out to artists or do they contact me?

You’ll reach out to artists with gig requests. We do this to prevent venues from being inundated with requests from artists who might not be the best fit for their space. You’ll include the date, time and compensation for the gig and then the artist can choose to either accept or decline.

What kinds of venues do you work with?

We currently have over 30 venues signed up with CountN. Our service continues to grow by the day and we expect this number will continue to rise! We work with a wide variety of venues ranging from breweries, bars and restaurants to hotels, corporate parties and festivals. We only book non-ticketed, single-band shows with a flat rate as compensation.

How many artists are currently on the app?

CountN currently has over 600 artists signed up on the app from a variety of regions across the US.

What’s in it for CountN? What fees do you charge?

There’s no subscription or sign-up fee to use CountN. The way we make our money is through commission: we take 15% commission from your offer to the artist on gigs booked through our app. As a venue, there truly are no fees! 

How do I know the artists are reputable?

Our goal is to connect you with talent that we’re confident can deliver in a live setting. CountN has a vetting process for artists on the app — we personally review artists’ materials, past events and videos to make sure they’re qualified to play at our venues. Furthermore, when you’re looking to book a gig, you’ll be able to review artist profiles — which include past experience and performance videos — before you make an offer.


How do I pay artists for the gigs I book with CountN?

We run all payments directly through the app. When you sign up for CountN, we’ll ask you to also sign up for Stripe, a payment processing software. 

Why do I have to input my debit card/bank account information when I sign up?

We run all payments directly through Stripe, a payment processing software. In order to send gig requests and pay artists for gigs, it is important that your information is properly inputted into Stripe during the sign-up process.

CountN takes financial privacy very seriously. If you have questions about how Stripe works, check out their website, take a look at their security page, or reach out to us.

Where can I find information about your privacy policy?

Right here!

How do taxes work?

Taxes are handled by the artist. We recommend that artists communicate any necessary tax documentation with the venue.


What do I have to sign? Is this an exclusive thing?

Not at all! We’re a non-exclusive service, so you’re completely free to book your own gigs as well.

What precautions are being taken with respect to COVID?

These are very challenging times — we understand each artist and venue has their own level of comfort with live performances right now. We encourage folks to act responsibly and in accordance with local guidelines.

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